We invite you to watch the report from the procedure, which took place as part of a practical course at BETTER in Warsaw.
We would like to thank Dr. Marek Rybicki and Mrs. Joasia.
We solve the problem of bone loss. IUXTA-3D is an intelligent implant that changes the face of modern implantology and solves the problems of bone loss.
We propose an alternative protocol for bone atrophy: digital, individually designed and tailored to each patient.
Why IUXTA-3D subperiosteal implants?
- because they provide comfort of use comparable to having your own teeth,
- eliminate the discomfort associated with wearing a removable denture,
- provide a chance for permanent tooth reconstruction in people with complete bone loss,
- The surgical procedure of implantation and temporary prosthetic work are performed during one visit (1.5-2ⲏ) to the patient, so you will save a lot of time.
We invite you to cooperate.